Obtained Seed Round Investment and established our brand GBAMUN
GBAMUN 2021 Guangzhou Conference
In GBAMUN2021, hundreds of delegates from 25 secondary schools & 19 universities in 15 provinces were divided into four committees to discuss online. Outside the process of the formal conference, we also invited our Dais to organize online “academic tea party” for interacting and sharing with delegates on the two themes – “from vaccine research and development to environmental protection – preliminary analysis of quantitative policy” and “legal analysis of surrogacy in the Chinese context”,.
FCMUN 2020 Foshan Conference
FCMUN was the first meeting that GBA education cooperated with the government education department. We received the financial aid from official institutions so it was an 100% free conference. The meeting attracted more than 300 participants.
GBAMUN 2020 Chengdu Conference
GBAMUN’s founding team is a group of experienced MUN organizers. For many years, we have often held activities in southern China. GBAMUN Chengdu is our first national conference being held in Western China. It contains five committees and delegates from 26 high schools across China participated in the conference.