In March and April of the year 1982, with the Canada Act being approved by the British parliament and signed into law by Queen Elisabeth II, the huge nation of Canada finally became an independent Commonwealth Nation. However, today as the country which has the second-largest territory around the globe, it is seldom considered as a such young state with only an independent history shorter than 40 years.
The sovereignty of Canada was a topic that has been discussed for decades. Happening in a country of immigration with a highly complicated background, it has epitomized conflicts of identities, interests, ideologies, and all other factors. Therefore, it becomes a perfect example for people to understand how a nation can be properly formed.
Standing at the start of the new decade, we can see that the world is facing challenges from problems that have been long existed. Civil rights, religious conflicts, the programs of international cooperation, all these topics are essential in the process of Canada getting its full sovereignty. With many of the topics that are still discussed frequently and widely today both in the political and diplomatic fields, this period in Canadian history become worthy for us to reconstruct today.