Business program | The secrets of Chinese influencer marketing

We invited Dr. Li from the School of Economics and Management of Tsinghua University to open an online scientific research course "The secrets of Chinese influencer marketing

". This topic analyzes the impact of the online celebrity marketing model on the traditional marketing model and the subversion of the traditional media through an in-depth analysis of the economic model of Internet celebrities and the deconstruction of their upstream, downstream, and core economic chains. Finally, we will combine it with the adjustment of the industrial structure under the background of China to study new economic growth points.

If you are interested in the current field of Internet celebrity economics and knowledge of marketing, behavioral economics, managerial economics, etc., join Dr. Li to explore the economic mysteries behind Internet celebrity marketing!

Project implementation

The first stage: theoretical study

Learn related theoretical knowledge, master basic concepts of marketing, behavioral economics, management economics and be able to flexibly use professional knowledge to analyze actual cases.

The second stage: case study

Learn the analysis methods of related theories and combine with typical internet celebrity cases to deepen your understanding of basic theorie & current operating model of the Internet celebrity economy, and understand the role of the operation team, new media platforms, e-commerce, fans, etc. in the process of "monetization" of the Internet celebrity. Analyze the industrial chain behind the Internet celebrity economy and its business model from the perspective of an onlooker.

The third stage: analysis and summary

The instructor guides students to conduct independent research and analysis, explore the promotion logic of Internet celebrity economy at a deeper level, and interpret the nature of the industrial level of Internet celebrity economics in depth. At the same time, in connection with the current strategy of my country's industrial structure adjustment, helping students to understand the role of Internet celebrity economy in reducing capacity and supply-side structural reforms.

The instructor and the students discuss and summarize the topic, and guide the students to write academic papers. After mastering the writing methods of each part of the paper, combine the research results in the classroom to independently complete a standardized academic paper.

Tutor profile

Dr. Lee, Doctor of Finance (Business Analysis), School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University

The research fields mainly focus on investment behavior decision-making in the context of big data, financial mathematical measurement, corporate governance based on business data mining, business strategic layout and major investment and financing under the future ecology of the industry

Published a number of CSSCI and EI conference papers, presided over a number of projects at or above the provincial level, and led the students to win theInternational First Prize of the American College Student Mathematics and Interdisciplinary Modeling Competition, the National College Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program, The first prize of the National Science and Technology Academic Works Competition, the first prize of the GMC Global Management Consulting Challenge, the first prize of the CHFS Econometrics Essay Contest.


Under the guidance of the instructor, students can submit their papers to core journals at home and abroad in different platforms such as SCI journals, EI journals, CPCI International Conference, etc.

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